By Jayson Veley
5 Ways to survive when society descends into chaos
Whether you choose to accept it or not, there are signs all around us that our country is in the beginning stages of societal decay. Radical activist groups like Black Lives Matter are becoming more and more prominent, fueling the flames of the already heightened racial tensions in the United States. Riots on college campuses […]
By Amy Goodrich
If you’re diabetic, you need to think about stockpiling INSULIN before the next collapse… here’s how to get it legally in your state
More than 28 million people in the United States have diabetes, and some 86 million are living with prediabetes which increases a person’s risk of type 2 diabetes and other chronic diseases, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Though natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, and tornados are nothing new […]
By JD Heyes
Here’s why you should keep your shelter preparations up-to-date and bugout bag close
Recent emergency weather events reminded me again of why it is important to keep our prepping supplies current and fresh, and a bugout bag close at hand at all times, whether we’re at work, at play or at home. In one of the first tornadic events of the season, CBS DFW reported that four people […]
By JD Heyes
Ready to survive? Make sure to avoid these common prepping mistakes and pitfalls – Part I
Making the decision to become a prepper is not an easy one and, frankly, should not be made in haste. While most people have a natural instinct and will to survive – whether it be a natural disaster, global war or a societal collapse – not everyone is motivated to make the preparations necessary to […]
By JD Heyes
10 good reasons to prep even if SHTF never happens
If you’ve been thinking about becoming part of the prepper community but have yet to convince yourself it would be a good use of time and money, this article is for you. Without a doubt, the notion of “end times,” with its apocalyptic scenarios of complete societal breakdown – especially in stable countries like the […]
By Daniel Barker
Every gun owner should know these important ammo storage tips
A well-organized prepper’s stockpile will usually include a reasonably large amount of ammunition to be used for self defense and/or hunting, and proper ammo storage is key to safety and long-term viability. Improperly stored ammunition rounds may not only become unreliable, but also dangerous to fire. From Urban Survival Site: “Having a million rounds of […]
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